
JetCo Solutions Team in Hard Hats

A Reflection on Leadership and Business Success

By The JetCo Solutions Team | March 9, 2020

Having been a part of both large (Fortune 500) and small business, I found a couple of things to be true to every leader I have interacted with. Each one has a set of values, and those values are predicated on three things: ethics; self-confidence; and the ability to hire smarter, more talented, and actively more engaged people than themselves.

Calculator and Coins

What Does the President’s Fiscal 2021 Budget Request Mean for Government Contractors?

By The JetCo Solutions Team | March 2, 2020

The release of the President’s fiscal 2021 budget request gives insight as to how government spending might look between different agencies from October 2020 – September 2021. From budget cuts to $1.1 billion for cybersecurity efforts, the fiscal 2021 budget request contains detailed information and gives a glimpse into future government spending. Let’s dive in.

People Talking Over Table with Paperwork

What You Need to Know About Debriefings for Government Contracting

By The JetCo Solutions Team | February 19, 2020

If your company wants to get serious about increasing government sales and winning bids with the federal government, you’ll want to be familiar with the debriefing process. Debriefing is one of the most important ways you can gather critical intelligence that will help you win contracts.

Notebook with pen and phone on desk

3 Tips to Prevent GSA Schedule Contract Cancellation

By The JetCo Solutions Team | February 10, 2020

Are you in jeopardy of losing your GSA Schedule contract due to low sales? If so, GSA doesn’t necessarily want to cancel your contract. They understand that there are several reasons as to why you might have low sales. That’s why it’s important to take the time to put together a government sales plan.

Employee Spotlight Tera Staten

Employee Spotlight: Tera Staten

By The JetCo Solutions Team | February 5, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Tera Staten This month’s employee spotlight features Tera Staten, Capture Manager at JetCo Solutions. Tell me a little bit about what you currently do at JetCo Solutions. As…

The JetCo Solutions Office

The Client Experience: What It’s Like to Work with Us

By The JetCo Solutions Team | January 22, 2020

One of the most common questions we receive when talking to potential clients is, “What is it like to work with you?” The answer to this question is multi-layered, but to put it simply: it’s all about you. Your experience with JetCo Solutions is personal, goal-oriented, and is tailored toward your needs. We measure our company’s success based on our clients’ success, so when you win, we win.

Person Writing on Piece of Paper

3 Reasons to Hire a Proposal Manager

By The JetCo Solutions Team | January 15, 2020

3 Reasons to Hire a Proposal Manager There are many benefits for businesses who choose to participate in government sales. However, delving into such a competitive environment can be both…

2020 gold balloons with glitter in the background

2019: A Year in Review

By The JetCo Solutions Team | December 23, 2019

2019: A Year in Review As 2019 comes to a close, we enjoy looking back on all that has been accomplished over the past year. From gaining new clients to…

Inside of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

2020 Government Spending Status

By The JetCo Solutions Team | December 19, 2019

2020 Government Spending Status It’s official. The final 2020 government spending status is in, and government funding is going up for nearly every agency. On Tuesday, December 17, the House…