What is Proposal Management?

A frequent question businesses have when breaking into the world of government contracting is “what is proposal management?” At its core, proposal management is the process one goes through when taking a government solicitation, or government request for goods or services, and creating a full bid proposal in hopes of winning that government contract.

The process for proposal management begins with a solicitation or a Request for Proposal (RFP) publicly listed by a government agency. A proposal manager — the individual in charge of drafting your company’s proposal — reads the entire solicitation and pulls out all the necessary information in an easy-to-read, succinct outline.

With all the documentation reviewed, the proposal manager kicks off the opportunity with all necessary personnel from the company pursuing the solicitation. The proposal manager also delegates tasks, which can include generating pricing, discussing subcontracting opportunities with other companies, and collecting resumes or other assets.

The proposal manager takes all the collected information and drafts the company’s proposal. The process involves lengthy write-ups generated through conversations with subject matter experts and key personnel, or the proposal may only be comprised of completed forms and company documentation depending on the solicitation.

Through a series of reviews with their team, the proposal manager fine-tunes the proposal, checking along the way that all RFP requirements are met and discussed in the write-up. Once all gaps are filled, the writing is reviewed, each form is signed, and the pricing is complete, the proposal manager finalizes the document. With one last check by the team, the bid is finally submitted to the government!

The proposal management process can be time-consuming, and it requires a dedicated point of contact to ensure goals are met. If your company needs help with proposal management, our team has dedicated proposal managers ready to take your bid writing to the next level. Send us a message and we’ll set up a time to chat.

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