Case Study: Lighting Manufacturing Company

Client Relationship Overview

One of our clients, a lighting manufacturing company, came to JetCo Solutions for our writing services regarding a UNICOR proposal response. After winning the UNICOR contract and working with JetCo closely, the client generated an interest in obtaining a GSA contract and pursuing another subsect of the government contracting sphere.


During this GSA pursual, the client was unexpectedly left with an untrained administrative team having no working knowledge on the process of obtaining a GSA contract, particularly the process of completing a successful GSA audit. This audit is a crucial step of the contracting process, leading the client to reach out to JetCo for guidance on providing rationale on their offered GSA prices.


JetCo provided extensive support for this client, including provision of on-site services at the client’s location to provide training on GSA topics. We worked with their staff to bring their previously inexperienced administrative team up to speed for completing GSA requirements. For the audit specifically, JetCo walked the client through the process step-by-step so they could provide the agency with the most comprehensive responses regarding their pricing.


After this support from our GSA specialists, the client was able to pass their audit without issue. With the support and training from the JetCo team, spanning over five years since their initial UNICOR proposal, the client has been able to navigate and maintain consistent, GSA-approved pricing for all items under their contract.

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