Case Study: Automation Company

Client Relationship Overview

We identified an Army Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I topic of interest that appeared to be a good fit for our client specializing in automation. After reading through the topic carefully to discern the objective, it was determined that this opportunity fit our growth strategy and our client had the right capabilities to develop an innovative technical approach.


This client had no previous experience or past performance in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) to develop a SBIR proposal and did not know what to expect.


While they focused on innovating and developing the best solution for the Phase I topic, JetCo worked to build out the framework for the proposal.

A SBIR Phase I proposal submission typically consists of four volumes:

  • Cover sheet
  • Cost Volume
  • Technical Volume
  • Company Commercialization Report

One of the most difficult volumes to compile can be the Cost Volume. Errors made here can result in financial losses and reductions in the amount of the award, both of which are detrimental.

It is important to keep in mind that if you are awarded, you must be prepared to provide the Contracting Officer with documentation supporting the proposed direct and indirect costs outlined in your Cost Volume to expedite and facilitate the award process.


After careful consideration of the Cost Volume and a compelling concept in the Technical Volume, a submission of the SBIR proposal was completed. Our client’s concept and budget were competitively selected for an award to further develop their concept and the contract award process was initiated.

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