Client Relationship Overview
A specialized architecture and engineering firm contacted JetCo Solutions to break into the world of government contracting. Wanting to further develop their partnerships, they needed guidance on qualified companies to develop professional connections with.
The client had the experience, capabilities, and knowledge to succeed in the government space. However, they did not have the set-asides to break into the federal bidding space they wanted to be working in. This company’s end goal was to work with the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), but the VA only puts out contracts with veteran-owned set-asides. To meet their goal, the client needed help finding subcontractors or joint venture opportunities with veteran-owned companies.
JetCo Solutions’ Research Specialists provided dedicated guidance, finding data on subcontracting and joint venture opportunities, which allowed the client to form relationships and access VA contracts. The JetCo Solutions team also forecasted projected contracts in the client’s target areas, allowing the client to plan ahead and generate outreach to potential business partners.
JetCo Solutions was able to procure 118 opportunities, 53 potential partnering opportunities with contracts, and 38 government employee contacts for our client. In addition to the research provided, our team answered follow-up questions and provided business guidance to aid the client’s pursuit of VA-related work. Pairing JetCo Solutions’ data with their expertise and knowledge, the client found success in federal opportunities and partnered with companies to successfully bid on contracts.