Nick Wassenaar recently joined the JetCo Solutions team as a Research Specialist. We sat down with him to gain a deeper understanding about his role within the JetCo Solutions team.
Tell me a little bit about what you currently do at JetCo Solutions.
Most of my day consists of discovering opportunities for a single client that has 1,000,000+ SKU’s. They have years of experience selling business-to-consumer via e-commerce sales but are relying on JetCo Solutions to pursue contracts on the SLED (State and Local Government and Education) and Federal level.
Currently, I’m working on finding the price at which the government procured several of their products in the last fiscal year to see where we can come in and win. I also am continually working on research projects related to SLED/Federal budget and spend data for specific SKU’s. The deeper I can dive into SLED and Federal budget data and provide a deliverable in Layman’s terms, the more value I provide to the client.
Are there certain aspects of your job that you are extremely passionate about?
I’m extremely passionate about finding the needle in the haystack for opportunities on the Federal level that the client wants to pursue. The client we are currently working with has the capability to provide a bid response for some of the largest government contracts related to their industry vertical. Being a part of this process is powerful. At the same time, the client can bid on and be awarded a small contract with almost any fire or police department in any region of the U.S.
What is one piece of advice you would give a company entering the world of government contracting?
Start with smaller contracts to build past performance. It’s what the government agencies on all levels care about and want to see. A small purchase order with a value of less than $1,000 can really jump start a small business’ government sales effort, which is what a large percentage of small businesses aren’t aware of.
If you could be any JetCo office dog, which one would you be and why?
I would 100% love to be Cyrus because he just goes with the flow and is a gentle giant. He greets me at my desk every morning!
If you could describe the JetCo Solutions team in one word, what would it be?
Relentless – we equally want to win contracts and impress clients on a daily basis.
About the Author
The JetCo Solutions team is determined. We only win if you win, and we want you to succeed at every step of the government contracting process. View our team.