What to Look for During an Election Year

With each presidential election comes a new administration and new considerations to be aware of. Changes in funding priorities and regulations can have an impact on many different industries and companies. JetCo’s clients should anticipate changes and developments that could have an impact on their contracts and projects. Understanding these dynamics can help clients navigate this period effectively.

Shifts in Funding Priorities

One of the most significant changes during an election year is the potential shift in funding priorities for different federal agencies. Each candidate advocates for varying defense budgets and program focuses. The president-elect typically begins preparing the budgets when they are elected, and the formal budget is submitted by February as mandated by law. The federal government has limits on how much can be changed in a budget proposal for a new administration, following the Congressional Budget Act. Negotiations with Congress will take place, and the final budget is ideally completed in the following months.

Potential Regulatory Changes

In addition to funding changes, policies and regulations also tend to change with a new administration.  New policies with new compliance requirements could emerge that may alter how companies can conduct business and manage contracts. While your contracting officer will be a good resource to help navigate and prepare for any new requirements, it is imperative companies do their own due diligence on how these could impact their operations.

Increased Competitions and Opportunities

The election cycle can lead to increased competition among federal contractors as companies position themselves to secure contracts before potential shifts in policy. Agencies may find themselves soliciting more proposals so they can use all their allocated funding before a new budget is released. This means more funding opportunities for clients looking to secure work with the government. JetCo’s research team continuously monitors solicitations released by the government, and our proposal management services are suited to help you secure those opportunities.

Impact on Project Timelines

Election years can affect project timelines, particularly if funding allocations are delayed due to the transition between administrators. Clients should be aware of any disruptions and remain flexible in their project planning. Open communication with your proposal manager will be crucial to understanding how timelines may be affected.

Navigating the federal contracting landscape during a presidential election can be challenging. At JetCo Solutions, we can help you to stay informed of regulatory developments and make it easy to understand shifts in funding, letting you focus on doing what you do best.

About the Author

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Lara Steib

Lara Steib is the Marketing Coordinator at JetCo Solutions. In her role, she develops marketing strategies for the company, along with supporting sales objectives. View our team.

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