GSA Announces Mandatory Catalog and Price List Updates


GSA recently announced mandatory catalog and price list updates for GSA contract holders. The announcement detailed that GSA Advantage catalogs must be updated by March 31, 2021 or Schedule contract holders risk being removed from GSA Advantage. This is a big deal for Schedule contract holders. Your company, as well as your products or services, will no longer be viewable by potential agency buyers if your catalog is not up-to-date.

Additionally, the announcement reminded GSA Schedule holders that they need to update their Price List (Text File) using the MAS Consolidation Price List Guide. Having an up-to-date Price List is a contract requirement and the MAS Consolidation Price List Guide organizes the contract offerings under the new Special Item Number (SIN) structure.

Catalog Update Details

GSA Advantage catalogs must be updated to MAS via Schedule Input Program (SIP) or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Please allow for 2-3 weeks of approval since all catalog submissions must be approved by GSA. To update your catalog via SIP, please follow the steps outlined in the GSA Uploading Your Catalog guide.

If you need help maintaining your GSA Schedule or have questions about how to implement these changes, please contact our team. For additional information about our GSA services, please visit our GSA page.

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