7 Questions to Ask Before Pursuing a GSA Schedule

The General Services Administration (GSA) connects federal purchasers with high-quality products through several contract vehicles. Having a GSA Schedule can help your company gain an additional revenue stream through government buying (GSA’s spending is around $42 billion per year.) It also allows you access to a greater number of opportunities only accessible by schedule holders and your pricing will have been vetted by the government, meaning you do not have to spend time determining your offer price.

However, obtaining a GSA Schedule can be complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. On average, it takes three months to a year to obtain your schedule. So, before you decide if GSA is right for you, here are seven questions to consider.

1. Have I been in business for two or more years?

If your answer is no, you shouldn’t be pursuing a GSA Schedule. The requirements to be eligible for a GSA contract include:

  • Financial stability
  • At least two years in business
  • Past performance (government and/or commercial)
  • Products and/or services are commercially available
  • Products and/or services are compliant with the Trade Agreements Act

2. Is there a government need for my product?

Before you decide to sell to the government, you should check if they buy what you sell. It might sound simple, but we’ve heard horror stories of companies who took the time to diversify into the government space only to find out that the government won’t buy the product or service they sell.

JetCo Solutions has research resources available to help you determine if you will succeed in the government space. Interested? Drop us a line.

3. Can I demonstrate company financial responsibility?

To obtain your GSA Schedule, you must be able to show the government that you are financially responsible. Have you had a positive net value over the last two years? Can your profit and loss statement demonstrate profitability over the last two years?

4. Will a past performance evaluation reflect positively on my great relationship with my customers?

The government needs assurance that your company is great to work with. To get a GSA Schedule, there are a couple of different ways you can prove this reliability to the government.

  • Contractor Performance Assessment Reports. You must have three or more assessment reports available in the Contractor Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) that represent: contracts or orders completed within three years of the date of offer submission; at least three different orders or contracts; and work similar in scope to the products or services that are included in the solicitation.

If you do not have assessment reports, you can use customer references instead.

  • Relevant Customer References. 3-5 relevant customer references must be provided. The work must have been completed within three years of the date of offer submission and must be in a similar scope to the products or services that are included in the solicitation. Information needed for each reference includes:
    • Customer name;
    • Customer point of contact;
    • Description of work performed and the offeror's role;
    • Dollar value of the project;
    • And period of performance.

5. If offering a service, do I have two projects that demonstrate the services I am offering?

Plain and simple – do you have proof of the services that you’re offering?

6. Am I willing to offer most favorable customer pricing to the government?

A company’s most favorable customer is a category of customer that is offered the best discount pricing. The General Services Administration is looking to get a discount that is the same or better than what you offer your most favorable customer. GSA usually validates this pricing through invoices.

7. Do I have the time commitment?

If you don’t have the dedicated time and resources to apply for a GSA Schedule, it could take you six months to a year to go through this process. Don’t have the time commitment or resources? We’re here to help.

JetCo Solutions has a dedicated GSA team that will guide you throughout the entire GSA application, submission, and post-submission process. We’re transparent with our clients and will candidly determine whether or not you need a GSA Schedule. If you do, we’ll streamline the complex submission process, saving you time and frustration.

It's a common industry statistic that more than half of all GSA submissions are rejected. Don’t be part of that statistic. If you have questions about GSA or think you’re ready to sell to the government, contact us. We’re here to help.

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