It’s official. The final 2020 government spending status is in, and government funding is going up for nearly every agency. On Tuesday, December 17, the House approved a $1.4 trillion spending deal, finally setting spending levels for fiscal year 2020.
Included in the spending deal is a 3.1% pay raise for civilian federal employees, a $22 billion increase in Pentagon funding, and a $27 billion increase in non-defense agency funding.
What does this mean for federal contractors?
With an increase in government spending comes a likely increase in government spending on federal contractors. According to the Government Accountability Office, more than $550 billion was spent on contracts for goods and services in 2018, an increase of more than $100 billion from 2015. This trend of increased spending on federal contractors is only expected to continue into 2020.
So, what now? If you’re ready to jump into government sales and want to be a federal contractor, drop us a line. Government contracting doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. With our services, we’ll guide you throughout the entire government sales and marketing life cycle, making your transition into the government sector smooth.
While you’re here, check out our services to see which one maybe the best fit for you.

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The JetCo Solutions team is determined. We only win if you win, and we want you to succeed at every step of the government contracting process. View our team.