3 Takeaways from Wolfpack by Abby Wambach & How They Apply to Government Contractors Today

I recently finished the book Wolfpack by Abby Wambach. This book provides empowerment tools for women who want to succeed professionally and personally. Although the book is tailored to women in leadership, I found the three main takeaways to be surprisingly applicable to many aspects of the government contracting industry. Not only is it relevant to me, but I also found it pertinent to our clients as well.

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A Reflection on Leadership and Business Success

Having been a part of both large (Fortune 500) and small business, I found a couple of things to be true to every leader I have interacted with. Each one has a set of values, and those values are predicated on three things: ethics; self-confidence; and the ability to hire smarter, more talented, and actively more engaged people than themselves.

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