Preparing a Budget Narrative

You’ve begun your journey into applying for government funding or procurement. A narrative has been developed on the company’s technical approach or proposed project and even a budget has been built. But now you need to explain the why – that is why your budget is what it is.

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5 Tips for Managing Tight Proposal Deadlines

Whether imposed by a government agency or forced by a last-minute decision to bid, most business development teams have come face-to-face with an anxiety-inducing deadline. The proposal lifecycle can and oftentimes must be flexible to support tight deadlines. The following tips will help you and your proposal team manage a quick deadline without compromising the quality of your proposal submission.

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The Well-Trained B2G Sales Team

Every profession has a preferred, trusted source for continuing education programs. Even the somewhat obscure field of Business to Government (B2G) sales has its favorite. It’s called Shipley Associates (Shipley) and JetCo Solutions’ clients might not even know they are benefiting from it.

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