Inventor of Antimicrobial and Michigan Small Business Hosting Webinar on Virus Prevention

Dr. Curt White, inventor of a novel silane-based antimicrobial, along with SPACE, Inc., a Michigan-based small business, are hosting a webinar on Thursday, December 17 from 3:30 – 3:50 PM EST on virus prevention in the workplace.

Dr. White led the development and commercialization of a novel silane-based antimicrobial during his time at Dow Corning and is the Founder of ÆGIS Environments. Dr. White also serves on the Board of the Healthcare Surfaces Institute, holds over 50 patents, and is a subject matter expert on antimicrobial agents, functional chemicals, and product formulations.

SPACE, Inc., CoPro+, and the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) are all coming together to present this webinar. The webinar, titled “Stay Safe. Stay Working. Move Forward.” will provide information about work environments and increasing peace of mind for companies. During the webinar, Dr. White will be discussing scientific measures you can take to prevent microbial growth in the workplace.

Register now for the opportunity to hear Dr. White speak about creating a safe work environment for your company. Please visit the SPACE, Inc. website to register:

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